Friday, October 20, 2023

Louise Hay - Say This to Yourself For 1 Minute Only ! | Law of Attraction


Louise Hay is one of my favorite teachers.  She came from poverty and was uneducated.  But she came out of that to become the driving force behind Hay House Publishing. 

Once we understand who we are the door is open to the abundance we all seek.  It is an abundant universe and we are abundant beings if we allow it.

Recognize who you are.  Accept the truth of who you are and embrace that truth.  Once you do this you have opened the door to the abundance of the universe.  I am reminded of the teaching from Dr. Joseph Murphy.  I recall him saying "can you count the flowers by the side of the road?  Can you count the stars in the sky?  Enough fruit rots in the tropics to feed all of humanity."

We have been conditioned by society to believe that we have to work hard to get what we want in life.  This programming is ingrained in our subconscious mind.  The subconscious is pure power so when you affirm for prosperity and abundance you will encounter resistance to that idea.  That is why affirmations must be repeated.  If you do the work, gradually those new beliefs will sink down into your subconscious mind and, effectively, you will have reprogrammed your beliefs into one's of wealth, abundance and prosperity.

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       Grant Rayner

Monday, September 25, 2023

Dr. Joe Dispenza - The Life Changing Method Nobody Talks About

 Manifesting a Fortune

The power to create abundance lies within each and every one of us.

A short video from Dr. Joe Dispenza on manifesting abundance into your


I hope you have enjoyed this content.  If you want to be notified of updates to this platform please fill in your name and best email in the form below. 

To Your Limitless Success, 

Grant Rayner

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Friday, September 22, 2023

Work From Home With Coach Grant - Tell the World About Your Business

Tell the world about your business! 

Use the AIOP Press, our blogging platform.

Tell the world about your business, products, and services, build your brand, build your mailing list, and get new clients, and business partners, promote your affiliate offers. Create backlinks and connect with your other websites and blogs.


Join me at AIOP today.  You'll be ever so glad you did.

To Your Limitless Success,

Grant Rayner

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Friday, September 8, 2023


 I hope you enjoy the content from Conny Mendez.  This short video has the potential to completely transform your life if you apply what you learn.  

If you wish to receive updates from this platform please enter your name and best email in the form below.  Enjoy the video!

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